If you’ve always dreamed of having the perfect smile, you should consider getting porcelain veneers. What are dental veneers, you ask? Well, they’re thin slices of material that dentists use to improve the appearance of your teeth. They’re bonded to the surface of your teeth and can change their shape, colour and even size. At Bite Dental, our team of expert staff cares about the appearance of your smile. Let us show you a few reasons why you’d want to consider porcelain veneers for your teeth.
If you’ve always dreamed of having the perfect smile, you should consider getting porcelain veneers. What are dental veneers, you ask? Well, they’re thin slices of material that dentists use to improve the appearance of your teeth. They’re bonded to the surface of your teeth and can change their shape, colour and even size. At Bite Dental, our team of expert staff cares about the appearance of your smile. Let us show you a few reasons why you’d want to consider porcelain veneers for your teeth.
To Improve the Whiteness of Your Smile
Where other whitening treatments might fail to leave you with the results you wanted, porcelain veneers are a way to get exactly what you want, permanently. Normal, over-the-counter whitening products do work to a certain degree, but any benefit they provide will wear off eventually. If you take care of your porcelain veneers, they could be the solution to whiter teeth that you’ve been looking for.
They Look Like a Natural Solution
Porcelain veneers provide the natural, lustrous sheen that closely resembles the natural colour of your teeth. They’re also made to imitate the natural colour of your teeth. When compared to composite veneers (which are far more opaque), porcelain makes it look like you never had any work done at all.
They Are THE Long-Term Solution
These types of dental veneers are designed to stand the test of time. In short, they last a really long time. Porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years, which is twice as long as their composite counterparts! The only downside is that they cost more – a minor drawback that is heavily reflected in the quality of the treatment provided. In the long run, it’s worth the extra expense.
Gaps in Your Teeth? No Problem!
Instead of going through the long, expensive and embarrassing (especially if you’re an adult) process of getting braces, use porcelain veneers instead. Because of the way they can be shaped, they’ll be able to effectively cover any gaps between your teeth. Visit our dental clinic in Calgary SW for more information.
They Can Even Fix the Shape of Your Teeth
If you’ve had trouble with the shape of your teeth (broken, chipped or misshapen), dental veneers are the right choice for you. They can cover any unsightly deformity and keep your smile looking its best.
If you’re looking for cosmetic dentistry in Calgary, visit our dentist on Macleod Trail. Our team will inform you about all our services and make sure they find the right one for you. Don’t delay. Make your appointment today.